Sunday, May 06, 2007

Las Vegas at Night; 7th Day in the States

After arriving at Las Vegas, we checked in a hotel and rushed to Fremont Street in downtown by car. When we went to Las Vegas five years ago, I really wanted to go, but didn’t have enough time to do. So Fremont Street had been the first priority place to visit for us since that time.
We got there before the show, parked the car at a near parking lot, bought snacks and waited for the show.
The sound and light show was very short, but it was spectacular. There were many free shows in Las Vegas; I believe it must be one of the best shows.

Positioned about 27m above Fremont Street, the attraction stretches 427m and consists of 12.5 million synchronized LED modules, including 180 strobes and eight robotic mirrors per block. It's capable of producing millions of color combinations, animation and video feeds.
(Information Source: Wikipedia)
After the show in Fremont Street, we came back to the Las Vegas Strip, or the main street and enjoyed watching and taking pictures of the night scene.

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