Sunday, April 24, 2011

On A Rainy Day In Matsue City

I have never spent days in Matsue, about 90 minutes from Tokyo by air, in April since almost thirty years ago.
I usualy go back to my hometown Matsue in summer. Flowers in my family’s garden in April were quite diffret from those in summer. In the same way, it’s always sunny and hot in summer, on the contrary, I had both a rainy day and sunny days last time.
Plants and flowers viewing at my family’s home in a rainy day were new to me, so they were very attractive to me.

I took pictures in my family’s garden using a cellphone-built-in camera. I think quality of pictures taken with a cell phone becomes far better than a few years ago.
Don't you think so?

1 comment:

Yvoh Nakatani said...

I was looking here in japan where I can ride a hot air balloon. Utsonomiya is too far from me. You mentioned that you once rode in Tokyo. Where in tokyo? Thanks in advance